Clinical Informatics

Clinical Informatics

Topic info

Course category: Integrated Academic Studies
Type and level of study: 
Course name: Clinical Informatics
Teacher: Milić Nataša

Clinical Informatics; 6th year, 11th semester
Main goal of clinical informatics course is to enable students, future MDs, to understand the uncertainty of medical data, information and knowledge. Medical students must know how to: implement the latest knowledge and skills in medicine; evaluate information based on scientific facts; interpret uncertain clinical data; make clinical decisions in terms of risks and benefits; apply and adjust clinical knowledge to the individual patients;  find, evaluate, select and apply therapeutics guidelines and adapt them to real world settings; record clinical data in a form suitable for clinical work and communication with patients and colleges; and to choose the best possible method of communication in a given moment.

Course outcome
Students will adopt knowledge and skills which are necessary for medical decision making in conditions of uncertainty. Students will be able to: gather relevant data, information and knowledge in clinical medicine; understand meaning of symptoms and signs of disease; critically evaluate their importance and reliability in order to properly integrate data to make further decisions and improve the health of the individual and the population; improve the process of providing health care; and strength the relationship between doctor and patient. The acquired knowledge and skills are used in all medical disciplines during and after completion of medical studies.

Course content
Under supervision: Teaching under supervision consists of lectures and practical work, including group discussions with predefined content, demonstration of different tools and software, and use of online resources.
Lectures (5 classes): Clinical decision making; Interpretation of diagnostic information; Best treatment choice; Electronic health records as support for clinical decision making; Evidence based medicine; Best practice guidelines.
Practical work (10 classes): Quantification of uncertainty and understanding of the value of new medical information; Operating Characteristics of Diagnostic Tests; ROC curve; Multiple test results; Decision three; Finding and summarizing medical information; Electronic health documentation as a support in the processes of: diagnosis, therapy selection, monitoring of the effects of therapy and prognosis in  specific patient. Computer information systems as a support of medical decision making with examples of software tools; Evidence-based medicine - supporting medical decision-making on a particular patient; Best practice guidelines- the creation and application of medical knowledge to support medical decision-making.
Individual work: 15 hours of individual work on predefined case studies

Knowledge assessment: Pre-exam - 70; Exam – knowledge based test 30; Maximum number of points 100