Interactive Dotplot

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This website allows you to create interactive graphs in a few simple steps.

Enter your data manually or upload your data as a .csv file.

You can also upload an .xml file to view a previously created interactive graph.

Example datasets:
Subgroups example
Clustered data example
(Right click on the following links to save an example dataset. Upload the saved file to view the interactive dotplot)

Click on "Graph”, then "Build” on the left side of the screen to create your interactive graph.

View your interactive graph. Use the options below the graph to customize axis labels, scales, etc.
If you would like to save a copy of particular graphs for print publication, select the options to display the graph that you want, enter a name in the "Save this graph as” function below the graph, then click save.
Use the "Download workset" option to download files for any graphs that you saved (for print publication), as well as the .csv and .xml files for the interactive graphic.
The .csv or .xml file can be included in the data supplement for your paper. The .csv file is "human readable" and contains your data (can be viewed/edited in Excel or any other spreadsheet software). The .xml file contains your data, as well as any changes that you made to the axis labels, scales, etc.
Readers can upload the .xml file into the website to view your interactive graphic.

The interactive dotplot / box plot / violin / bar graph allows you to do 4 things:

You can upload and create graphs for different continuous variables in your dataset. For example, your dataset might include values for C-reactive protein, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. For each variable, you can adjust the graph to show an dotplot, box plot or bar graph. You can also add different summary statistics to the dotplot, overlay data points on the box plot, or choose between different types of error bars for the bar graph.
If your dataset includes clusters of non-independent data points (i.e. mice from the same litter, technical replicates), selecting this option will show points from each cluster in a different color. Clusters may occur within groups, between groups, or within and between groups. This option only works on graphs with visible data points (dotplots or box plots with data points overlaid).
This option allows you to use different colors to show data points for different subgroups in your dataset. For example, if your graph compares systolic blood pressure in exercise trained vs. sedentary individuals, this feature would allow you to view data points from men in one color and women in a different color. This option only works on graph types where data points are visible (dotplots or box plots with data points overlaid).
This option allows you to focus on groups, clusters or subgroups of interest.