
Note: Your data file can include more than one outcome variable.

Follow these steps to prepare and upload your data:

Label your first column “id”.
List subject identification numbers in this column (1 row/subject).
Label your second column “time-point” or ”condition”.
List the time point / condition names in this column.
Label your next column “group”. Enter the name of the group for each participant (i.e. drug or placebo).
Label your next column “experiment”. Assign a number or name for each experiment in the dataset and enter the correct value for each participant, if known.

Enter values for each continuous outcome variable in the next columns (1 variable per column). The column name will appear as the variable label in the interactive graph.


Note: there should be no more than one experiment per group per time point.


Save your data file as a “Comma Separated Values (.csv)” file.



In the “Data” menu on the left side of the website , click “Upload”.



Use the “Browse” button to find and select your data file. Click “Upload”.



You should see something like this confirming that your data uploaded successfully:



Select “Build Dotplot” from the graph menu on the left side of the screen. This will create your interactive graph. Use the options below the graph to explore and format your interactive graphic.



Use the "Select variable" menu to select the variable that you would like to graph.


Focus on time points / conditions, experiments, or groups of interest by unchecking the box next to a time point / condition, experiment or group to remove these observations from the graph.

customizing graphics

Use the textboxes to update the graph labels.


Change the y-axis label by adjusting the name of the selected variable.

Y-axis label


Use the time point / condition text boxes to update names on the x-axis.

Group names


Use these textboxes to change the name of each experiment. When the “shape code” option is checked, observations from different experiments will appear in different shapes on the graph and experiment names will appear in the figure legend.

Cluster names


Use these textboxes to change the name of each group. When the “color code” option is checked, observations from different groups will appear in different colors on the graph and the group names will appear in the figure legend.

Subgroup names

Use the "Graph Design" options to adjust the y-axis scale and title for the line graph.

customizing graphics


When you are viewing a plot, you can see which points belong to each group by clicking "color code" in the group menu.
color code groups


Whenever "color code" is selected, a legend for groups will appear on the graph. You can change the name of each group in the legend by entering the desired name in the text box next to that group (see above). To remove the legend, uncheck "Draw legend" below the y-axis scale options.


When viewing groups, you can select "Mean" or "Median" in the "Summary lines" menu to add a line showing the mean or median for each group.

Summary lines can be shown separately for each group or connected as a line graph.

group summaries

Connect time points / conditions for individual experiments

When both shape code for experiments and color code for groups are selected, the option for connecting time points / conditions for individual experiments appears.

When selected, this option allows to visualise changes in individual experiments as a line graph.

connect time points / conditions

You can save specific graphs that you want to appear in your print publication.
Saving a graph allows you to download a tif file containing the graph for your paper, and also makes the saved graph a part of the xml file that contains your interactive dotplot. When readers upload the xml file into the web-based tool, all saved graphs will appear in the Dotplot menu on the left side of the screen. Readers can click on saved graphs to view and explore graphs that you saved or use the tools on the site to explore other aspects of the data.

To save graphs created in either the main tab or the "Cutoff" tab:


Create the graph that you want to save.


Scroll down to the options below the graph. Enter a name under "Save this graph as:", then click "Save".

save as


The graph that you saved will be listed under "Dotplot" in the menu on the left side of the screen.

saved graph


You can click on the graph name at any time to view the graph, save an updated version of the graph or delete the graph.

update graph


Repeat steps 1 ‐ 4 to create and save all the graphs that you want to save.


When you are finished, select “Download workset” from the menu of the left side of the screen.

download workset


Select “Complete Zip” from the pop-up window.

download dialog


Follow the prompts to save the zip file; then open the folder containing your files. The tif files contain images of each graph that you saved. The xml file contains your interactive line graph. You can upload this as a data supplement for your paper. Readers can upload the xml file into this website to view your interactive line graph. The csv file contains your data in a format that can be used by statistics programs.

Color blind mode can be switched on and off for the entire site.

Click on “Color blind mode” in the menu on the left side of the screen to view the graph in a color-blind safe color scheme.

color blind mode

Note: when color blind mode is switched on, saved graphs in .tif format will be in color blind friendly colors.

If your data did not upload successfully, there may have been a problem with the column labels (id, time-point, group, experiment) or the column order. Select “Define” from the Data menu on the left side of the screen.



Use the menu to enter the number of time points / conditions, groups, experiments, and their labels. Click on “Don’t save, just download template csv file”.



Enter the data for each subject in the template file that you downloaded. Save the csv file; then upload it using the “Upload” option under the “Data” menu on the left side of the screen.
